Sabtu, 26 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later-self

Hello my name is Aditiya Doni Wirawan. This blog dedicated to my english assignment at Tanjongpura University by Ms. Dini Haiti Zulfany, M.Pd. My major is Electrical Engineering faculty. Thanks for visit my blog and i hope you like it.
This time I'll tell you a little about the event or wish me 10 years ago and 10 years to come, just
Events or wishes me 10 years ago, the age I am now 18 years old, so 10 years ago I was 8 years of age, meaning I was a class 3 SD. At that age I was still innocent, naive and certainly it was cute, I never aspired to be a teacher, for me the teacher is a hero and my parents, my school there used to be some favorite teacher for me, I aspired to be a teacher of mathematics, because I really liked the calculation, and at that time I was teaching my favorite teachers, so eager to learn to be increased,
Furthermore, my desire 10 years to come, I hope 10 years from now I've had success and are married and also make his parents happy I am, it's just my desire for the next 10 years, not much I can tell you because I have not experienced happened.
A short story from me, I hope you do not get tired of reading it, thanks to the already read, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Kamis, 24 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

Hello my name is Aditiya Doni Wirawan. This blog dedicated to my english assignment at Tanjungpura University by Ms. Dini Haiti Zulfany, M.Pd . My major faculty is Electrical Engineering. Thanks for visit my blog and i hope you like it.

Name of Groups :
Aditiya Doni Wirawan
Ulfa Natasya
Wahyu Ardhy

Feri : Guys, you know what !? lately, there are lots of zebra operations conducted by police across Indonesia
Doni : Really, you know it from where, Feri ?
Feri : I know that information on internet website, you didn’t know that ?
Doni : I didn’t update about news today
Ulfa : I have seen the information on the newspaper as well.
Feri : I didn’t subscribe the newspaper in my house, so I usually use
Wahyu : Wow you guys avidly read the news, By the way did you guys have done with physics lab report ?
Feri : I’ve done it yet.
Ulfa : I haven’t. do you know how to do it properly and the rules about it ?
Wahyu : I'm usually use website or usually search on and randomly websites . but if you look it up on Wikipedia, the information you get more detail and elaboration easier to be understood by many people. And you just write the keyword only. Then, if you get the sources from books or websites, you have to write down all the sources.
Doni : I think, if you are diligent, you can go to the library, there are a lot of physics books there, so you can use the book as a source. The reason I prefer to choose information from libraries is our knowledge that is absorbed is usually more use than the book or e-book or Wikipedia. And we used to observe about the book that we want to know.
Ulfa : Well, thank you very much guys, you really helped me. But there are some opinions that I have heard, if you are looking for articles about history or religion in wikipedia is not necessarily accurate, am I correct?
Wahyu : oh yeah I also heard, maybe you're right, because Wikipedia is accessible to the crowds and Wikipedia allows users to write about anything. So you have to be careful what are you searching for.
Ulfa : I understand, thank you. You guys really helped me

Thanks for reading, Hope this is useful. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Your karaoke song of choice and why

     Hy guys back again with me Aditiya Doni Wirawan , if you are bored with the story in my blog, I hope not. this time I will discuss and explore more sharply about the karaoke song of my choice, I choose a song to Main Serong of the band the changcuters, because the song can evoke the spirit of me, first I was not too happy with this song though is not foreign to my ears , while welcoming new college student yesterday, there is new activity called the night of intimacy, when our senior class of 2015 appear sing a song and another which sounds are played oblique, and the committee force in 2015 also came forward to sway , and start from there that I liked this song and I often sing karaoke moment, the reason I like this song is there are a great melody and music are good to hear, and also how the singer makes his rendition of this body wants to sway.
     The second song I often sing when karaoke Surat Cinta Untuk Starla, the song was popularized by vocalist of the last child is virgoun, this song is actually made by her because he loved his son and hoping together until old age, and also the theme romance, and this song for me to create an atmosphere that is calm and peaceful, with a slightly wistful tone and very floated, give peace to my mind when I was getting dizzy, I often listen to this song to give me a little peace of mind.
And it's a little story and a description of the song that I often sing karaoke moment, if you are interested in listening to the song please download at the usual place you download songs, hopefully useful article in my blog, happy reading, thanks Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Rabu, 16 November 2016

Dont be despaire for live

when we get into trouble do not be hasty in making decisions. Think about what you would do with overcooked. If we are not right in taking decisions, the problem will worsen. Because there are still many people who care about you. Do not let them be disappointed with yourself due to your attitude. Believe storm definitely passed :)

thanks for watching a video of my nice, do not be replicated because it is done by experts, may be useful, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Jumat, 11 November 2016

Favorite places I've ever visited

      Hello guys meet again with my aditiya doni wirawan, this time I will tell a favorite place I have ever visited, before that I wish for you to not get bored reading the postings of mine, even though it is a little tired but try not to get tired of reading it, who know by reading this, you will gain knowledge, because a little more you will know what kind of place I have ever visited, oopps sorry slightly distorted. Straight to
      Favorite places I've ever visited was the beach cape Bajau, the reason why I chose this place is the beach has its own characteristics, ranging from a place to bathe and swim, but there also provides a place or a playground for children and families, and also we can walking up the hill there behind her, and advantages of the beach compared with clever else struck me was there the surf is bigger and heavy, it adds to the excitement while swimming dibibir beach, but for small children who can not swim then it is advisable for everyone tu watching them from afar, and also there are some giant sculptures such as the statue of an octopus, godzila and much more, so if you want to visit there we could feel the sensation in three places, from up the hill, swim and try to ride that was there, no wonder if there is always crowded.
      Maybe it's a little story or any of my experience, if you are interested just come to the cape coast Bajau located in singkawang Area, West Kalimantan. May be useful for those who read it, God willing to go to heaven . Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh