Sabtu, 26 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later-self

Hello my name is Aditiya Doni Wirawan. This blog dedicated to my english assignment at Tanjongpura University by Ms. Dini Haiti Zulfany, M.Pd. My major is Electrical Engineering faculty. Thanks for visit my blog and i hope you like it.
This time I'll tell you a little about the event or wish me 10 years ago and 10 years to come, just
Events or wishes me 10 years ago, the age I am now 18 years old, so 10 years ago I was 8 years of age, meaning I was a class 3 SD. At that age I was still innocent, naive and certainly it was cute, I never aspired to be a teacher, for me the teacher is a hero and my parents, my school there used to be some favorite teacher for me, I aspired to be a teacher of mathematics, because I really liked the calculation, and at that time I was teaching my favorite teachers, so eager to learn to be increased,
Furthermore, my desire 10 years to come, I hope 10 years from now I've had success and are married and also make his parents happy I am, it's just my desire for the next 10 years, not much I can tell you because I have not experienced happened.
A short story from me, I hope you do not get tired of reading it, thanks to the already read, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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