Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Its your last meal on earth what do you choose

Hello guys, my name is Aditiya Doni Wirawan, how are you today? This time I will discuss about the last food I wanted to eat, for me the food that want to be eaten are eggs chili artificial mother, because egg chili is the food my favorite, let alone that makes a mother to me, it's better than artificial anyone, while eating it I felt a tremendous favor, because my mother made it with love, so very tasty homemade food.
    But if it was my last meal, then I am very lucky because I feel my favorite meal of artificial mother me, but I also have a favorite food if it was the last meal for me, the food is fried tempe, fried tempeh is a food native of Indonesia, I was like tempeh because of tempeh has a distinctive flavor of other foods. And also very easy to obtain.
    If my mom makes both these foods, then I will eat it with gusto, especially the food made by my mother, it was definitely the best of made by someone else. And no one can match the delicacy.
That's the last food I wanted to eat, if one is interested in the food of my choice, please look for in a restaurant nearby, thanks for reading, hopefully useful, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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