Selasa, 20 September 2016

My favorite selfie

hello guys, come back to me aditiya doni wirawan, this time I will share my post about selfie my favorite, I think photo selfie my favorite moment can selfie with new friends at the campus, we took a picture when completed matriculation, it was very memorable and also there are the memories behind the photo, as in the photo are some of our friends who are not of the class again with us, because there is a graduation PLN, none have been received in STPN, while it is not a class anymore but he is still our friend and we often talked with him, and also do not forget to support each other, they are friends of my first on campus, and also has become part of the family for me, there is no difference between the pontianak original and also the rantauan, which the religion of Islam or any other religion, from there we grow closer and often gathered together, and a lot of things that we do together, from playing futsal, collector, ngerjekan tasks, and much more, I hope I can stay in the same class them until I finish my course, I hope the cohesiveness we can be maintained always, even though now there are at STPN, there were PLN, but all it remains a family, thank you for visiting my blog, sorry if there is a wrong word, Assalamu ' alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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