Selasa, 20 September 2016

Why I choose at major UNTAN

I want to say why I chose to continue my studies at the university activities tanjungpura.Because there is no courses I am interested and too close to my home . So I do not need to wander and look for a university outside land. My major interested in electrical engineering, I really wanted become an accountant because my passion with math, but I would like to work as employees of PLN, because it is very promising for my future, when the register and follow SNMPTN I choose majors are there associated with the job that I want to pursue and I see major in electrical engineering and occupied in the first option, at the time of announcement of the results SNMPTN I received in the majors such. At first I want to follow in the footsteps of my older brother who became an accountant for accounting majors. But my sister chose her college polytechnic in Pontianak, which only holds a diploma, for me it is very responsible, and I wanted to get a degree in Untan scholar . And moreover there are courses I am interest . So my opinion Untan campus is right for me , moreover, the faculty that I choose is the technique, and many say it is difficult to pass there in a short time, it is a challenge for me. My friend practice many techniques, I am more happy because I wanted to have a skill that can be used for the the other, so writing and little stories from me.Thank you, Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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